Vacation ready..!

Vacation ready..!

Summer is here, borders have opened and there is a lot of excitement around travel.

Although I let loose on holidays, I do follow some basic rules to stay on top of things in terms of food, exercise and sleep.

Here are a few things I do to make sure I unwind but continue to stay high on happiness, take care of my digestion, sleep and skin quality.

I follow some basic rules before I travel which might be handy for you too.

I do keep my gadget time to the minimum. This is very important to me on my vacation. I do often time do a digital detox and abstain from using social media during shorter trips. It works wonders for me.

Being a vegetarian I do load up on vegetables and good fats. Veg protein might be not be readily available every where – I make sure I get in my other two macros. If you are a vegetarian like me make sure add some form of protein too. I usually include yogurt ( works as protein and fat), however depending on the place – chickpeas, tofu , lentils , cheese are some good options to include.


I pre pack nuts and seeds and usually add them on top of store bought yogurts which makes for a delish breakfast. I do pack my regular multivitamins.

During summers, I make sure I keep myself hydrated with regular water and intake. I absolutely enjoy sparkling water . So make sure to hydrate yourself!

Another important factor to keep in mind is eating seasonal food – vegetables and fruits – will keep the immunity robust and aid in better digestion.

But the most important thing to remember is to have fun. Vacations are for making memories with family and friends.

Making time for yourself and enjoying each moment is a key to sustainable lifestyle!

Happy holidays!

Stay healthy,


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